Saturday, August 25, 2007

Keeping in touch... (not one of strengths!!)

Well, most of my friends can tell you that i am not the best person at keeping in touch. I honestly feel like i have no excuse. Other people can do it so i should be able to. At the same time however, no matter what kind of internet thingy comes out (facebook, messenger, skype), I often forget to share with the people that are not around all the experiences that i should share. Here are some of my thoughts about it:

I often think that i should email or call someone, but i am not determined enough to just go to my computer and write an email right away (i definitely have to work on that). Believe me though, different memories come to my mind daily about people that are on different parts of the world, a hairstyle someone else had, a joke someone told, a song that reminds me of someone or some specific moment, a piece of advice some once told me... I am constantly reminded of people.

I recognize that this is not the most direct way or internet thingy that i can use to communicate with people but at least it is another way of keeping people posted on what i do with my life. It's one more resource.

Something else that i thought about all these internet thingies is that as much as they help me keep in touch with people, i often feel like i forgot to send a message to someone. Now that it is so easy to send a message to people across the world, i feel like i should, only because it's really easy. Sometimes, this makes me feel sort of frustrated because there is so many people that i think are great and i would like to continue talking to them...

I also think that i focus on the place that i am at the moment. I don't know if it's because i am a man that fits the stereotype of not being able to be focusing on many things at the same time but i am definitely better at being here. (so i recommend all of you to personally come and see me because i'm better LIVE than through internet connections hehe).

As you can probably tell, i have no clear thoughts about this but at least now you know some of them... i'll let you know if anything new comes up and feel free to add any of your thoughts.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to Mac (for my sophomore year)

After a day full of 'see you later's and 'good luck's i ended up going to bed at 2:00 am. I woke up at 5:00 am half tired and half sick (i had a cold). My mom, as always, helped me fix the last details of my bag and made sure i left the house showered and with food in my stomach. I left the house late and was a little worried i wouldn't make it to the Airport on time. Fortunately i did.

Once inside the Airport, i was impressed by how nice and fancy the new airport is. It's something i wouldn't expect to see in Guatemala because it's too nice, clean and organized. A good surprise indeed.

I thought i would feel that funny feeling i always get when i travel. A combination of nostalgia and the typical "did i forget something??" feeling. This time, however, i felt overwhelmed by a calm and peaceful feeling. This time i knew i was going to come back to Guatemala, and not only because my plane ticket is a round trip, but because i felt that i belong there. I think it made it easier for me to leave. Apparently it made it so easy that i slept during the whole trip. I don't mean the 'good night sleep' but the 'mouth-open-and-loving-it sleep'. IT WAS THAT GOOD!!

I was also looking forward to coming to Macalester again. All the friends i missed, soccer preseason, all the people i wanted to share my summer adventures with, not to forget the fact that it's cheaper for me to call my UWC friend from here hehe. How could i not be excited about coming back.

It was a pleasant trip, with no delays nor forgotten luggage. sweet!


Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer 2007 visit to Tikal (city of voices). Mario (a Paraguayan friend from RCNUWC) came along and it was great. Incredible view that you should all see at least once in your life.
This was taken from Temple IV.


Monday, August 07, 2006

My first time...

It's been my intention to start a blog for a long time now, yet I never got myself to sit down and type away. I feel sort of lost as of where to start but I know it'll come as it goes.

I have grown a lot in the last three years and I hope this becomes a good way of letting people know where I am, what I'm doing and with who from now on.

I have many stories to share with the people who aren't or haven't been physically near in the last couple of years. Also, I have to recognize that I haven't been the best at keeping in touch with a lot of people so this is a small way of making myself feel like I'm fixing it.

Enjoy and do comment!